Monday, April 13, 2009

What kind of plants/flowers/rocks are good to do for landscaping?

I have some planters full of dry dirt. What would be good to put in there and how? If flowers, what are some good ( low cost) flowers I could plant that grow well in summer in SoCal heat? The area gets some shade and sunlight. I also have a dog who loves to dig, so if there is something else I could put there, those ideas are good too. I have no idea!

What kind of plants/flowers/rocks are good to do for landscaping?
First off, get your planters good and wet. One way to do it is to shower with a few pots on the shower floor to collect the water. A little soap wont hurt, I hear you have a watering ban on occasion. Portulaca is nice, it is drought tolerant and will do well in containers. Loves sun. Try a wave petunia if you can find it and the container is large enough, those things are nuts, no clean, prolific.

genealogy mormon

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